Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


-   What is refreshment ?

-   Why is refreshment needed ?

-   What are the steps of the refreshment ?

-   What does refreshing therapy work ?

-   Why use method for refreshment ?

-   Why should it be followed ?

-   How to achieve a happy and peaceful life ?

What is refreshment ?

Refreshment is the start of a new initiative. Because people are naturally tired or exhausted from the mental and physical aspects. And refreshment is the best way to exhaustion. Some people think it's a light snack or drink, especially given in a public place or in a public event. But not only that, it is a way of achieving mental peace for some time. In fact, refreshment means that it gives new energy.

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Why is refreshment needed ?

The real education is that people see, hear, and realize everything around their environment. Education is basically of two types. One is good education and the other is bad education. We have to choose one of these two aspects of education. If one chooses good education, life will be happy, easy, full of laughter and joy. And if we take bad education then life will be miserable, complicated, full of anger and sorrow. In this case, we have to choose the first aspect and prepare ourselves through regular practice. And to feel it needs refreshment.

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What are the steps of the refreshment ?

-   Refreshment steps

          -   Fresh mind
          -   Beauteous eye
          -   Powerful ear
          -   Beautiful speech
          -   Continuation

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What does refreshing therapy work ?

This is an ongoing process for refreshment. Which is valid for all time. Actually it is a remembrance or prayer. It can be done at any time as needed. If done correctly, focus and enthusiasm for work will increase and frustration will be eliminated. Remember this must be done with great concentration. Because through this good thoughts will be added and bad things will be excluded. Which is able to achieve and maintain peace of mind through constant practice.

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Why use method for refreshment ?

Just hearing the word 'refreshment' creates a feeling in our mind. portends good things. And good things require follow up. By following which good things can be done. So that it is possible to reach the goal very easily. So a method has been followed in this case. Which is called Kafi method. It is a method which by following will bring a different change in our life. The changes we need, want and experience.

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Why should it be followed ?

To create a happy and peaceful life.

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How to achieve a happy and peaceful life ?

Just follow the triple A. Announcement, agreement and achievement.
Announcement : Just think about it. what do you want?
Agreement : Practice regularly by the KAFI METHOD.
Achievement : Feeling of happy & peaceful life.
And then it will be easy to achieve a happy and peaceful life.

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