Course Outline

Course Outline


-   What is refreshment

-   Why is refreshment needed

-   Importance of refreshment

-   Definition of refreshment

-   Quotes of refreshment

-   Preparation for refreshment

-   Refreshment steps

          -   Fresh mind
          -   Beauteous eye
          -   Powerful ear
          -   Beautiful speech
          -   Continuation

-   Refreshing therapy

          -   Start morning
          -   Whole day
          -   Before sleeping

-   Find out problem & solution

          -   From the story
          -   Exploration for refreshment


We have to apply four (4) conditions to execute this content.

The conditions are :

1)   Basic concept

2)   Follow up

3)   Ongoing process

4)   Gain confidence

Figure of Condition

-   What is refreshment
-   Why is refreshment needed
-   Importance of refreshment
-   Definition of refreshment
-   Quotes of refreshment
-   Preparation for refreshment

-   Refreshment steps

          -   Fresh mind
          -   Beauteous eye
          -   Powerful ear
          -   Beautiful speech
          -   Continuation

-   Refreshing therapy

          -   Start morning
          -   Whole day
          -   Before sleeping

-   Find out problem & solution

          -   From the story
          -   Exploration for refreshment

Basic concept

Refreshment means to engage in a new activity. And if that work is good for oneself and others, then that will be the best work. In fact, since man is the greatest creature on earth, the responsibilities of work on earth also fall upon him. And doing the right thing for the sake of self and others is a sign of humanity. In a word, it means to perform the duty properly. Of course, it should be from the human side. For example, it can be said that a doctor cures a patient by treatment. It was his professional duty. But treating the patient well, explaining well to the one who is with the patient, these are among the human qualities. And the meaning of life is to be able to carry these human qualities in one's self in a right and beautiful way through peace. Only by following the refreshment ways can we easily attain this eternal happiness and peace in our lives. This is the specialty of refreshment.

What is refreshment

Refreshment is the start of a new initiative. Because people are naturally tired or exhausted from the mental and physical aspects. And refreshment is the best way to exhaustion. Some people think it's a light snack or drink, especially given in a public place or in a public event. But not only that, it is a way of achieving mental peace for some time. In fact, refreshment means that it gives new energy.

Why is refreshment needed

The real education is that people see, hear, and realize everything around their environment. Education is basically of two types. One is good education and the other is bad education. We have to choose one of these two aspects of education. If one chooses good education, life will be happy, easy, full of laughter and joy. And if we take bad education then life will be miserable, complicated, full of anger and sorrow. In this case, we have to choose the first aspect and prepare ourselves through regular practice. And to feel it needs refreshment.

Importance of refreshment

Refreshment can play a very important role in our life. In the general sense whatever is good and benevolent is acceptable. And it is undeniable that if you follow the path in a broad sense, it will bring benefits for yourself, the society and the nation. And so the importance of refreshment is particularly significant to follow the right path.

Definition of refreshment

Refreshment is the start of a new initiative.

Quotes of refreshment

Some quotes on refreshments are provided below :

Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

- Pablo Picasso

The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.

- Johann Sebastian Bach

God's Word refreshes our mind and God's Spirit renews our strength.

- T. B. Joshua

The way Bernard Shaw believes in himself is very refreshing in these atheistic days when so many people believe in no God at all.

- Israel Zangwill

Silence is refreshment for the soul.

- Wynonna Judd

It's always refreshing to step into another time.

- Diane Lane

Solitude is creativity's best friend, and solitude is refreshment for our souls.

- Naomi Judd

An all-white space has a purity that is refreshing and serene.

- Mary Helen Bowers

A change of environment is pretty refreshing.

- Owen Farrell

Genuine love is the perfect refreshment in life.

- Md. Abdullah H. Kafi

Preparation for refreshment

Three(3) questions are very important part of refreshment. The questions are as follows.

From where/Why/Where

-   From where have I come ?
-   Why have I come ?
-   Where will I go ?

And these three questions should always be remembered in our life. Only then, we can solve all our problems.

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Follow up

Refreshment is a very important in our life. Which can be the best way to improve the quality of human life. So, we can just follow the five(5) steps of the I model of KAFI METHOD and make our life very easier, simpler and more fulfilling.

Figure of I model

The steps in the I model are as follows :

          -   Fresh mind
          -   Beauteous eye
          -   Powerful ear
          -   Beautiful speech
          -   Continuation

Fresh mind : (To make a soft heart)

This is the first step for refreshment. And it's very easy to create. Now we will remember a beautiful moment which is really very pleasant and enjoyable for us. It can be from our own life or someone else's life. From here we will find ways to keep our mind or heart beautiful all the time. Which will inspire good deeds. Because a beautiful mind always wants something good for itself or for someone else. It will always help to keep our heart soft and clean.

Discussion ...

To be practiced through subjective thinking and moving imagery.

Beauteous eye : (To make concentration)

This is the second step for refreshment. Just focus on the things that help make our relationships so easy and beautiful. Because whenever we see something there can be good and bad two aspects. So while watching something we must look at our beautiful and clear mind. Then it will be possible to keep yourself from evil side. It will help us to create concentration and full attention in us.

Discussion ...

To be practiced through subjective thinking and moving imagery.

Powerful ear : (To make patience)

This is the third step for refreshment. Actually listening is such that we have to listen whether we like it or not. Different types of topics need to be heard in different ways. So when we express interest in listening to something, we must remember that it must be done with great attention. Because right decision should be reached after listening. Therefore, our previous two points will be very helpful and help you to make yourself a great listener. Which will play an important role in building endurance. And with patience everything is possible.

Discussion ...

To be practiced through subjective thinking and moving imagery.

Beautiful speech : (To make skill)

This is the fourth step for refreshment. When we talk to someone, our presentation should be specially emphasized. It must be remembered that presentation is a touchy subject by which people are easily influenced. It should be presented here very elegant, clear, pure, easy, intelligent and with respect. Which will help in making an excellent speaker. For example, if any human mind is soft and clear, beautiful outlook and patience to listen, his speech will be completely different from others. Which can play a very helpful role in building skills.

Discussion ...

To be practiced through subjective thinking and moving imagery.

Continuation : (To make self confidence)

This is the fifth and final step for refreshment. Which must be done regularly. For example, when we want to get success in any work, we constantly try different types of efforts and practices. In the same way, if the previous four points are properly practiced regularly, a beautiful change will come in our life. Which is especially necessary to build confidence in our life. One thing must always be remembered, "When a person has realized his true identity, he has chosen the path of peace." And it will surely make the way of making life easy and smooth.

Discussion ...

Follow the tips to practice regularly.

Note :

Always following the above steps will create responsibility towards yourself and others. which is required for all time. Because without a sense of responsibility, work is not performed properly. So take these steps seriously to keep yourself and others well. Just follow the rules.

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Ongoing process

Refreshing therapy

Start morning :

Thanks God for this morning. O Allah, thank you very much for giving me another chance. Please give me the grace to be able to spend this time in good work. Protect me from all evil deeds of this world. Always keep me free from all kinds of dangers. O Allah, bless me and everyone else. Give strength to go on the right path throughout the day. Such necessary requests should be expressed to Almighty Allah.

Whole day :

When we see a person's suffering or problem, we have to say O Allah, help the person. And if we do something wrong, we will say, O God, please forgive us. Everyone should say what they know is good and refrain from what is not right. Of course the presentation should be beautiful and elegant.

Before sleeping :

Thanks God for this day. Now think about the work of the whole day with great attention. Thanks to Allah for the good work and will be ashamed of the evil deeds and will pray for forgiveness.

Note :

The above discussion basically explains why the points should be followed. Actually it is a remembrance or prayer. Which must be performed before the start of the morning and before sleeping at night. Also it can be done at any time for any need. If done correctly, focus and enthusiasm for work will increase and frustration will be eliminated. Remember this must be done with great concentration. Because through this good thoughts will be added and bad things will be excluded. Which is able to achieve and maintain peace of mind through constant practice.

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Gain confidence

Find out problem & solution

From the story :

Different types of stories should be listened to very attentively and try to understand them well. After listening to the story, one should be inspired to do good deeds and develop the ability to reject evil deeds.

Discussion ...

Listening to different types of stories and finding ways to solve problems from there.

Exploration for refreshment :

We have to acquire the ability to observe the events of our daily life and solve problems from them.

When we look at the time what we see are the different kinds of anomalous activities that are constantly happening in this society. For example can be said, indignity in our love, behavioral problems, tendency to lie, greed, restlessness, cheating, violence, lack of patience and fairness, devaluing education, not respecting people, indulging in unjust and immoral activities, also creating various types of chaos in the society etc.

The purpose of refreshment is to free oneself from such activities and lead one's life and that of others towards happiness, peace and dignity. And in order to fulfill this purpose, it is essential to follow some things.

Belief, willpower, habit and practice

Belief :

People generally believe in three ways. By seeing, hearing and witnessing. And the disbeliever is not by obeying. They don't believe what they can't see. Although they believe in things unseen.

Willpower :

Willingness is desire to get something. It depends on the needs or wants of the people.

Habit :

A habit is something that people do over and over again. Which is called habit is the second nature of man.

Practice :

It will be possible to take the right decision by practicing the above three tasks regularly. So right belief and strong will power should be converted into hard habit.

Note :

The application of the above acts must apply in the affirmative. Not in the negative case.

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Crazy or insane person are not included in this course and counseling.

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